Does this sound like you?
  • Don't understand how your income doesn’t seem to last the month?
  • Your goals don’t seem to get accomplished.
  • Thought about investing but don’t know how to start!
  • Worried on how you will be able to afford your children's college education?
  • Want to retire early or with more money than just your pension?
  • Banks' products (loans, cards, insurance) don’t make sense!


    Don’t stress! We are here for you!

    Smart Money Education has designed tailor-made tutorials to educate you on your path to financial success.


Did you know that "Personal Finance is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge " ? 
Hence  we recommend starting with the following tutorials in this order as shown below for you to get a full PERSONAL MONEY MANAGEMENT education:
  1. Changing Mindsets
  2. Budgeting made easy
  3. The Fundamentals of Investing
  4. Insurance made easy
 For additional financial support, you can also enroll in these tutorials:
  1. Banking Products Explained 
  2. Child College Education Planning
  3. Retirement Planning
  4. Teaching your child about money


Each tutorial and exercise sheets below is carefully designed to take you through a step by step guide to give you the education and knowledge you need to start making changes in your lives and start a mroe healthier relationship with money.

Once you have paid for your tutorial you can view it as many times as you like !